That the man (or woman) of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Tim 3,17
These are Paul´s words to Timothy, a young man and a beloved co-worker in the Gospel. You should read the context, from verse 10.
Timothy came from Lystra in the Roman province of Galatia. He was of mixed race, his mother being a Jewess, and his father a Greek. He was brought up by his mother in the Jewish faith and culture (2 Tim 1,3-5), though not circumcised as a baby – due probably to the wishes of his Greek father.
When Paul was on his second missionary journey, he revisited the churches he had founded, when he had first visited the area some time before. In Lystra, he became reacquainted with Timothy who was then a recent convert to Christ.
Paul saw great potential in the young man, and a unique gifting. He had him circumcised (because of the Jews, says Acts 16,3), and took him with him. It was the beginning of a friendship and co-worker-ship, that lasted for the rest of Paul´s life (Timothy is with Paul, attending to his needs, as he towards the end, is a captive, probably in Rome – see Phil. 1,1 and Col 1,1).
A testimony to Timothy´s worth, in the eyes of Paul, can be found in Philippians 2,19-20:
I hope in the Lord to send Timothy to you soon, so that I too may be cheered by news of you. For I have no one like him, who will be genuinely concerned for your welfare.
Background reading to Timothy; from Acts 15,36ff
We have two letters of Paul to Timothy in the New Testament.
These letters are a MUST READ for any young Christian (and of course for anyone else), as they are written to a young person in Christ.
I often as a young man read and was inspired by what Paul wrote to Timothy.
That the man (or woman) of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
This involves training and focussed preparation for the future God has for you. God has given each one of us special natural and spiritual gifts. It honours him who gave them, that we do our absolute best, to discover them, and use them to their full potential!
See also Mt 25,1-30.